Sunday 31 March 2013

A Really Cool Idea...

So I have just signed up for an interesting month long class. I'm passing it on to all of you, so maybe you could take advantage of the class. It starts on April 1 and runs for a month. 

This class is for MOMMIES!!! 

But anyone who is an adult can actually take this class. What this class is, is a journaling class. I am going to be making A Book About ME! What a cool idea. Between home educating my son, writing my books, and reading for reviews I believe I've lost ME. So this class is going to help me find that person. Hidden behind the 21 years of being a mother, hidden behind the wife, hidden behind the avid reader, who am I? So if you're looking to find yourself as well how about signing up for the class along with me! We can have a ton of fun! Just click on the link if you want more information. 

I hope to see you there!
You can follow this link and take the class along with me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! You have been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award
